Solar Power Relay Station
TA Aleph-model relay station, above Earth's north pole.

Solar power relay stations are large artificial structures (typically spheroid) used to convert solar energy from stellar bodies into microwave energy and transmit it to fixed locations (usually on the surface of the planet the station orbits). The energy is then distributed through a power network.

The standard station is eight kilometers in diameter, with a solar panel array that spans the outer surface from one "pole" to the other. SPR stations are designed so the panel array always faces the star, allowing near-constant energy absorption.

Because of their size and construction costs (roughly on par with a Ramsgott-class Dreadnought), SPR stations are normally installed only above the most populated planets, where the sheer volume of power needs makes them more feasible than dozens (or hundreds) of planetside power generators.

Unlike conventional space stations, SPR stations are not designed for long-term habitation. Station crew is minimal - technicians, maintenance personnel and security are usually the only living beings on board. Much of the day-to-day upkeep is performed by robotic crews. Because of their immense value to the host planet's infrastructure, SPR stations are typically guarded by Navy cruisers, small fighter ships, and onboard security forces. Unauthorized individuals are advised not to approach anywhere near an SPR station's vector.

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