Road to Babylon

CSSN Road to Babylon

800 Ton Frigate loaded with Energy Weapons and room for 3 Hotspurs, built to take out/dissuade pirating. With force.

CSRS Road to Babylon d-Tons Cost (MCr)
Hull 800 tons Hull 16 80
Structure 16
Armor Ceramol Protection 8 80 32
Self-Sealing 8
Jump Drive K Jump 3 55 100
Maneuver Drive N Thrust 4 25 52
Power Plant N 40 104
Bridge 20 2.5
Computer Model 3 Rating 15 2
Electronics Advanced +1 Jamming DM 3 0.2
Weapons Hardpoint #1 Particle Bay 51 20
Hardpoint #2 Single Turret (particle) 1 4.2
Hardpoint #3 Single Turret (particle) 1 4.2
Hardpoint #4 Double Turret (sand/beam) 1 1.75
Hardpoint #5 Double Turret (sand/beam) 1 1.75
Hardpoint #6 Triple Turret (beam/beam/sand) 1 3.25
Hardpoint #7 Triple Turret (beam/beam/sand) 1 3.25
Hardpoint #8 Triple Turret (beam/beam/sand) 1 3.25
Fuel 266 tons One Jump-3 and two weeks 266
Cargo 27 tons 27
15 Staterooms 30 personnel (max) 60 7.5 MCr
Extras 3 Standard Hangars (Hotspur) 156 31.2
Ship's Locker
Software Maneuver/0
Jump Control/3 0.3
Fire Control/2 4
Total 800 470,350,000 Cr
Maintenance Cost (monthly) 39,196 Cr
Life Support Cost (monthly) at full occupancy 45,000 Cr
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