Philippe Delacroix
Str: 8, Dex: 7, End: 6, Int: 12, Edu: 12, Soc: 4
Homeworld: Hyperion, C343975-B In, Po Scout
Animals 0, Trade 0, Admin 0, Drive 0, Streetwise 0, Recon 0, Stealth 0, Vacc Suit 3, Persuade 0, Melee(Unarmed) 0,
Deception 0, Gambler 1, Melee(Blade) 1, Mechanic 1, Gun Combat 0, Sensors 1, Astrogation 1, Leadership 1, Engineer 0,
Gunner 1(Turret), Pilot1(Spaceship)
naval college FAIL, wanderer bandit, 1 term +1 strength, survival FAIL
smuggler 3 terms, alium artifact, train aboard ship, survival fail: navy press-gang. 400 000 credits, 2 ship shares
navy 2 terms, fleet battle, officer grooming. Muster out, +1 edu +1 social
corsair, syndicate contact. Aging -1 to all physical. Muster out weapon, +1 edu
3x Combat Drugs - 3000
Improved Intrusion Kit - 500
TL 10 Comms - 500
Advanced Digital Camera - 100
Probe Drone, Intellect 1, Expert 2 Recon - 15,000
Improved Boading Vacc Suit - 20,000
Improved Static Sword - 450(Free)
9mm Autopistol - 200
60 rounds - 60
Electromagnetic Probe - 1000
Hand Computer/4, Intelligent Interface, Expert 1 Physical Science, Expert 1 Social Science, Expert 1 Computers, 9100
347,575cr to spare