Jamie Falar

Pirate, Boarder, Female
Commando, Spec Ops
Wanderer, Vagabond

STR 4 -1
END C +2
INT B +1
EDU 9 +1

Rank 1 Marine
Rank 0 Trooper
Rank 2 Vagabond

Jack of all Trades 2
Recon 1
Tactics (Military) 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Security 1
Explosives 1
Gun Combat 2 (Slug Carbine)
Streetwise 1
Social Science (History) 1
Stealth 0
Pilot 0
Comms 0
Mechanic 1
Engineer 0
Gunner 0
Vacc Suit 0

Term 1: Recon 1, Piracy Pays, +1 Benefit Roll, Advanced, Melee (Blade) 1, Tactics (Military) 1
Term 2: Security 1, Mishap, Lose Limb, Str -2
Term 3: Switch to Commando, Gun Combat 2, Explosives 1, Survival Fail, Unit Overrun
Term 4: Switch to Vagabond, Stealth 0, Streetwise 1, Strange New World, +2 Next Advancement, Advanced, Survival 1, Social Science (History) 1
Term 5: Mechanic 1, Made a Friend, Contact, Advancement, History 2
Term 6: JoaT 1, Help Contact, Stealth, Fail, -4 Next Advancement, JoaT 2 from Mustering Out

20kCr, +1 Int, Improved Cloth, Boarding SMG, Ally, +1 Edu

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