CoreNet Entertainment Hub

Welcome to the CoreNet Entertainment Hub, your destination for all holo, flatvid, still-image, pure audio and pure text entertainment from all corners of the Core Systems Free Republic!


Based on your current library, we recommend the following:

  • Holo: Variety SMASH! > Hanami SMASH! > Hanami Holotainment, Holmar City, Holman, Mason Systema
  • Holo: The Hotchkiss/Miyanagi Report > TitanCore News Division > TitanCore, Armstrong City, Proteus, Alpha Centauri System
    • Latest Episode: Water Smugglers. Presenting the debate over company water rights versus the rights of private individuals, groups and planets to access it. Guests featured are Pico del Iuste, del Iuste Clan Mercantile of Cleve, and Nora Chiczyk, Vice President of Operations for Interstellar Resources.
    • Archived: Kanbei: Corporation or Government? Debate offered over the Republic's treatment of the Kanbei Group as a business instead of a government. Interviews of Mori Szabo, Kanbei PR VP; and Rep. Mark Golon (NC), Scylla Minority Leader.
    • Users' Pick!: Schuh/the Seeker Incident. Debate offered regarding the military contractors hired by Schuh businesspeople and the legality of their actions, with attention to the apparent kidnap and torture of a Jensai Seeker. Interviews of Col. Jonas Bragg, CSRMC; Lloyd Fitzhausen IV, law firm of Fitzhausen and Holtz, Holman; and Tory Archer, COO for Rapid Security Strategies.
    • Classics Revisited: 2496 Republic Election Coverage. Three-hour special. Interviews with analysts and pollsters from all corners of Republic space. Special Guests Rep. Mohammed bin Yusuf (Armistice), incumbent Titan Sector Regent; and Rep. Jude Leigh Alton (NC), Titan Minority Leader.
  • Still-image: The Deadmen > Graffitomag > Darkstar Publishing, Aresville, Mars, Sol System
    • Latest Issue: The Deadmen #57. Burgess and Kemoatu reunite on the eve of their most hazardous assignment yet: assassinating a Spartan general in the heart of Brigade space.
    • Archived: The Deadmen #53. Kemoatu goes through rapid detox from neurotoxins; while on assignment, Burgess clashes with Cyphre over their differing methods.
    • Archived: The Deadmen #49. Burgess is trapped in the basement of a burning Meckler factory; Kemoatu is troubled by figures from his living past.
    • Hot!: Deadmen Tales #8. Cyphre is put on the trail of a mad League Navy admiral.
  • Flatvid: In Giants' Footsteps > MCN Entertainment > Manticore Sector CoreNet, Neuwien, Mainz, Rhine System
    • Latest Episode: Alien Imports. AMC takes a close look at the grey market of xenofauna smuggling and customs enforcement.
    • Archived: Tiny Terror. AMC goes deep to investigate the Innsmouth disease vector, innsmouth fasces albrechtia.
    • Hot! Walking With Elephants. Two hour special. Host Andrew Meier Conwell presents archival footage and visits an exclusive genestock-revival preserve to introduce an ancient, massive herbivore to a new generation.
    • Classics Revisited: Hudson Jelliscorp. Andrew Meier Conwell follows an alluring and hypnotic floating creature with a highly toxic sting.
  • Holo: The Retributors > Studio 3 Productions > Phoenix Sector CoreNet Corporation, Ansbachburg, Curion, Pyrenees System
    • Coming Next Week: The Asp at Camlann. Sentinel receives emergency orders to contain a Spartan battlegroup entering Republic space - but it may already be too late to prevent a new war.
    • Latest Episode: Marsies Don't Talk. Hellion faces new inquiries into her past assault on a fellow officer when she is found to have known about his crimes. Fade and Fireball encounter ghost ships in the Boneyard on routine patrol. Guest star Bradley Husten as Lieutenant Quinn Maddox.
    • Archived: War Drum Unceasing. In light of his increasingly reckless behavior, Hellion brings the case of a Spartan deserter's suicide to Connolly's attention as a parallel to his own inability to wage peace. Fireball tries to impress new 319th pilot Ryan "Fade" Barnes. Introducing Alec Parks as Fade, guest stars Martin McClellan as Combatant First Rate Roga Kaliph.
    • Users' Pick!: Maxwell's Demons. Colonel Connolly takes a dose of phi in order to gain a better understanding of Doomsday's plight.
    • Archived: …With Faith And Fortitude. Franco is forced to face down old ghosts when Sentinel escorts a Shrine ship through Seine System. When their loyalties are called into question, Madre must choose between adherence to her faith or loyalty to the Republic. Guest star Hu Weijian.
    • Hot!: The Why and Wherefore. The RSO performs on Sentinel. Fireball tries to get Connolly to listen to Gilbert and Sullivan. DJ is caught in flagrante delicto with Doomsday. Glitterbug is approached about reading some of her poetry at the RSO performance.
    • Classics Revisited: Blood of the Innocent, Part 2. Season finale; Connolly is pressured to abandon Cmdr. Yukata after evidence of a recent dockside murder is found in her quarters. Lt. Parham is missing in the Calx Belt and Madre is forced to play cat and mouse with a Spartan ace to find her.
  • Holo: The Adventures of Jak Maxwell, Scout For Hire! > TitanCore Entertainment > TitanCore, Armstrong City, Proteus, Alpha Centauri System
    • Latest Episode: Through the Hydra's Belly. Season premiere; Introducing famed Jensai actor Lehamaha as Seeker Alhebre. New terrors from beyond known space cause the Jensai Concordance to look to the CSFR for aid; Scout-Commander Maxwell is sent in the vanguard to gauge the threat.
    • Classics Revisited: The Sagittan's Mercy. Tango is taken captive by the Exarchate Honor Guard and Maxwell is forced to choose between her and keeping the Terrorwing out of Sagittan talons. Guest star Kenichi Ngabi returns as Exarch Zhilitus.
  • Holo: Red Zone III Director's Cut, Unrated > TitanCore Entertainment > TitanCore, Armstrong City, Proteus, Alpha Centauri System
    • Users' Pick!: Starring Lady Waine Victoria, Harlan Deckford, Jésus Alameda. Against the backdrop of the Human-Skaald War, Governor Lady June Abayan defends her planet from an ever-growing pirate threat. The pirates are only the tip of the iceberg as sinister forces align against her, seeking vengeance. Not rated; unsuitable for junior audiences.
  • Holo: KILLSPREE* > Justice Entertainment > Mallory Penitentiary Complex, Monteblanc City, Mallory, Chomolungma System
    • Latest Episode: Batch Execution #85. Preshow: Earl Marx (murder, conspiracy to commit murder) vs. the Serene Machine. Main event: Disraeli Gang (sabotage, treason, attempting to influence officials) vs. the Cat and the Birds.
  • Pure Audio: Night In Two Houses > Senmar Civic Opera > Harbin Trust for the Arts, Senmar City, Harbin, Amur System
    • Hot!: Annette Miramar, James Marten, Joanna Kanbei. The swan song performance of diva Miramar in 2498 in the famous opera by Sima Tebrin. House matriarch Duchess Antweir struggles to protect her family and world as they tear themselves apart around her, in the greater context of the 2158 Bush War of Mangrove Colony.
  • Pure Audio: All You Had To Do Was Ask > Life Blood Troupe > Curion Endowment for the Arts, Ansbachburg, Curion, Pyrinees System
    • New Release: Comedic musical featuring the outstanding Life Blood performance group. One vessel, seven days, ten people, no privacy!

a Core Systems Interstellar Jumpwave Network not liable for the content of this program
† Due to contractual disputes, filming of new episodes of Jak Maxwell has been postponed indefinitely
* Not available in all markets

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