Burke-class Frigate

The Burke-class frigate is the lightest 'regular' ship in the Core Systems Republic Navy. First created to address the needs of the League Navy during the Human-Skaald War, the Burke-class's basic blueprint dates all the way back to 2340 and saw use not only in that conflict, but also on both sides of the Core Systems-Spartan War. Though the Spartan Brigade People's Navy has replaced their Burke complement with the Attican-class frigate in frontline duty, the Burke remains a mainstay of the CSRN in the escort role, despite repeated attempts to replace it.

All CSRN Burke-class vessels have been upgraded to the Revision K version, bringing the ships up to modern standards of equipment.

Burke-class Frigate, Rev.K d-Tons Cost (MCr)
Hull 1000 tons Hull 20 100
Structure 20
Armor Ceramol 4 points 50 20
Jump Drive L Jump 3 60 110
Maneuver Drive L Thrust 3 21 44
Power Plant L 34 88
Bridge 20 5
Computer Model 3 Rating 15 2
Electronics Basic Military +0 Jamming DM 2 1
Weapons Hardpoint #1 Particle Beam Bay 50 20
Hardpoint #2 Double Turret (particle beam/beam laser) 1 5.5
Hardpoint #3 Double Turret (particle beam/beam laser) 1 5.5
Hardpoint #4 Double Turret (missile rack/missile rack) 1 0.95
Hardpoint #5 Double Turret (missile rack/missile rack) 1 0.95
Hardpoint #6 Double Turret (pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 1.25
Hardpoint #7 Double Turret (pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 1.25
Hardpoint #8 Double Turret (pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 1.25
Hardpoint #9 Double Turret (pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 1.25
Hardpoint #10 Double Turret (pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 1.25
Fuel 410 tons Jump-3 and 5 weeks 410
Cargo 140 tons 140
32 Staterooms max 64 personnel 128 16
16 Emergency Low Berths 16 1.6
Extras Ship's Locker
Repair Drones 10 200
Cutter 50 28
Software Maneuver/0
Jump Control/3 0.3
Evade/2 2
Fire Control/3 6
Auto-Repair/1 5
Total 1000 668,050,000 Cr
Maintenance Cost (monthly) 55,671 Cr
Life Support Cost (monthly) at full occupancy 192,000 Cr
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