Attican-class Frigate

The Attican-class frigate is the main escort vessel of the Spartan People's Navy, a home-grown ship design symbolically replacing the Burke-class frigate that had served since 2340 in all the Terran Stellar League's protectorates. Like most (but not all!) Spartan vessels, the jump-drive technology installed in the Attican-class is only capable of Jump-1 - which makes getting out of the Van Ryan Nebula, or anywhere, a time-draining chore. However the tradeoff in speed is made up for in firepower - the Attican has twice the armor of a Burke-class vessel and carries two fusion cannons to the Burke's single particle beam bay. Even more troubling, the huge weapons disparity between the Burke and the Attican is made worse by the fact that the tradeoff in speed almost halves the price of the Attican - allowing the Spartans to field two for every Burke in the field.

Attican-class Frigate d-Tons Cost (MCr)
Hull 800 tons Hull 16 80
Reinforced Structure x2 Structure 20 80 16
Armor Ceramol 12 points 120 48
Jump Drive D Armored Bulkheads Jump 1 27.5 40.5
Maneuver Drive G Armored Bulkheads Thrust 2 14.3 28.26
Power Plant G Armored Bulkheads 24.2 56.44
Bridge Hardened Bridge 20 6.25
Computer Model 3 Rating 15 2
Electronics Countermeasures Suite +4 Jamming DM 7 6
Weapons Hardpoint #1 Fusion Cannon Bay 100 16
Hardpoint #2 Fusion Cannon Bay 100 16
Hardpoint #3 Torpedo Barbette 5 4
Hardpoint #4 Torpedo Barbette 5 4
Hardpoint #5 Triple Turret (pulse laser/pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 2.25
Hardpoint #6 Triple Turret (pulse laser/pulse laser/sandcaster) 1 2.25
Hardpoint #7 Double Turret (particle beam/beam laser) 1 5.5
Hardpoint #8 Double Turret (particle beam/beam laser) 1 5.5
Fuel 136 tons Jump-1 and 4 weeks 136
Cargo 37 tons 37
30 Staterooms max 60 personnel 120 15
Extras Ship's Locker
Software Maneuver/0
Jump Control/1 0.1
Evade/2 2
Fire Control/3 6
Total 800 362,050,000 Cr
Maintenance Cost (monthly) 30,170 Cr
Life Support Cost (monthly) at full occupancy 90,000 Cr
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